Jurong Detached factory for sale near international Road
Posted onJurong JTC Detached factory for sale, Single Storey, Build 60,817sf, Land 93,264sf, 6yrs+ balance lease$6.5mil
Jurong JTC Detached factory for sale, Single Storey, Build 60,817sf, Land 93,264sf, 6yrs+ balance lease$6.5mil
Gul Terrace factory Land 14.8ksf approximatelyBuild 8ksf approximately30yrs balanceasking is $4milCall 9880 2880 for more info!
JTC Detached factory at Jalan Buroh, Big Land approx 138ksf, Build approx 71,321sf, approx 7yrs balance with option to extend another 20yrs subject to JTC approval, asking is $6.5mil. Call 9880 2880 for more info!
Gul JTC Detached factory, Corporate facade with glass door, Land 84ksf approx, Build 67ksf approx, Lease 18yrs approx, Sincere seller,Suits B2 trade. asking $10.5mil. Call 9880 2880 for more info!
Type : Purpose-built / Food Zone. Land Area : approx. 26,906.77 sq ft. GFA : approx. 15,069.6 sq ft. Tenure : expiry 16 September 2030, lease is extendable to 2040 subject to JTC investment criteria. Land Rent : approx. $61,267.65 p.a. (based on current market land rent of $24.51 per sqm per annum). Property Tax […]
A detached factory in Joo Koon is for sale. 3 storey office and 2 storey warehouse. Huge land size of 100ksf. Build is 95ksf. approx 29yrs balance. Asking is $18mil
Jurong Terrace Food factory to sell,Build 12,268sf,Land: 6,608sf,Ask: S$3,200,000
Terrace factory at Kian Teck for sale.Excellent location.Build approximately 13ksf,20yrs+ balance lease.Asking $2.8mil
A detached food factory in Jurong is keen to sell their food factory. Inclusive of cold rooms, chillers. B: 29,000sf, L: 32,000sf, Ask: S$12,000,000. Approximately Office Area 4ksf, Approximately 19 years bal. Keen to sell their business too!
High ceiling detached warehouse with 3 storey corporate looking factory is for sale in Tuas Avenue. Suitable for engineering trade.Build is 21ksf, Land is 23ksf, 22yrs balance. Asking $4.75mil.Call to enquire!